Wedding Planning Update- Just 12 More Months!

One year. Just one year, less than 365 days, until we become husband and wife. I've been pretty cool, calm and collected for most of this, but on my wedding date, it finally hit me. And I instantly started to cry happy tears. And of course, when you cry happy tears, you have to call your mom.

Just one year, less than 365 days, until we become husband and wife. I've been pretty cool, calm and collected for most of this, but on my wedding date, it finally hit me. And I instantly started to cry happy tears. And of course, when you cry happy…

When my fiance and I got engaged last October, we were about to buy a house. Since this was our #1 priority, it was pretty much decided that all wedding planning would be on hold until after we were able to purchase the house and were settled in. We didn't pick a venue right away, I still don't have a dress, and the "little details" are just ideas in my mind. I spent a week thinking about how Friday would be one year until my wedding date. And then Friday came...

I took a look at my phone and saw the date, September 2.  And I got super excited. "That's right! Today's the day, just one year until my wedding day!" And then I repeated it again... "just one year until my wedding day..." and that's when the floodgates opened. You guys, I haven't been one to cry about my wedding so far. I thought for sure I'd cry when I got engaged, because just thinking about getting engaged made me cry. But nope, I was just in pure shock. And I figured wedding dresses might make me cry, but I didn't find any that brought a tear to my eye. And I figured somewhere along the way I'd cry about "omg I'm getting married soon!" but that never happened either. But something about knowing that in exactly one year, I'd be getting ready for my wedding made it all real. I could see that moment. With every wedding video you've seen, every movie, you imagine what that moment would be like for you. But this time, I saw my own wedding. I saw myself getting ready in a beautiful room, I saw my hair done, and I felt that anticipation of seeing my groom for the first time. It felt so real for the first time, and it was amazing.

That's the interesting thing about this journey for me. Everything up until this moment felt so theoretical. I couldn't connect the actual events to what I had imagined them to be. Shopping for wedding dresses felt like a game of dress up. Picking centerpieces felt like window shopping at a store you couldn't afford. Making a guest list felt like imagining which celebrity you'd invite to your wedding. In short- it all felt fake, like it was a make-believe ceremony we were having "someday". But today... today I understand what it's all about.

So, if you're wedding planning and you feel like it's surreal, don't worry. Your moment when it all becomes real will come. The moment when you can see it in all its colors, and you can feel the emotions you're going to feel.  And that moment is pure magic.