DIY Painted Wood Necklace

A few months ago, my boss went to Mexico and brought me back this really pretty necklace. I liked it a lot, but as soon as I saw it, I thought about how cute it would look with a pop of color! It’s such a fun shape, and the two-toned wood was awesome! Adding some rainbow paint took it to the next level for me, and made it match much more of my closet. It’s super easy to do if you have any jewelry, especially souvenirs, that aren’t quite your style!

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You will need: 

Wood necklace (similar here or here)
Nylon cord (here)
Painters tape (here)
Jewelry closures (here)
Jewelry tools (here)
Paint in your choice of colors (similar here)
Scissors (here)
Pencil & marker

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  1. Decide on your pattern and tape off your wood pieces. If your tape is super sticky, you may want to make it less sticky by putting it onto something and pulling it off, like your pants, so that it has some lint as a buffer.

  2. If your necklace is like mine, now you cut it off the string. I wanted to be sure the lines for the tape matched up before cutting.

  3. Paint 2 coats. I only did the front and sides so that I didn’t have paint against my skin/clothes but it doesn’t matter either way. Whatever you prefer!

  4. Pull off the tape while paint is still wet and let dry fully.

  5. String your wood pieces back onto the string and tie a knot on the ends if necessary

  6. Add your closures after deciding on the appropriate length for the string.

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I love making over items I already own to make them fit my style better. It’s so nice, especially with sentimental items that don’t get much use. What do you think about this project? Do you plan on making over some wooden jewelry sitting in your closet? Let me know in the comments below!