Wedding Planning Update- Just 1 More Month!!

You guys... YOU GUYS!! There is exactly 1 month until the wedding day!!! Holy cow, where did the time go?! I swear it feels like just yesterday that we picked out our venue and really started planning. At the same time, it feels like a freakin eternity that I've been planning this wedding!! 

If I could describe the last month in one word, I'd probably pick hard. Or emotional. Or "the worst". Yep, with the pressure of the wedding day fast approaching and the flurry of RSVP's coming in (or not coming at all...) I'd say this month was one of the hardest so far. Let's see what happened, shall we?

Wedding planning update! See what happens the month before the wedding, including seating charts, hashtags and dress fittings! #weddingplanning

Hair and makeup trial/trip

I did my hair and makeup trial! Since my wedding venue is about 3 hours from my house, I decided to do a weekend trip over there with my gals so they could give me advice and also see the venue. We traveled to Honesdale, PA (about 30 mins from our venue) and stayed at a cute little hotel. We had some laughs and dinner/drinks, then went for my hair and makeup trial the next day. I originally wanted a natural look, but I realized that translated to slathering me in makeup and trying to make me look like myself again. It resulted in me looking like a fake version of myself! So I decided to go a little more glam and I liked that look much better. I can't wait for John to see me on the day of :) 

John suit- picked up

John's suit got picked up and all his alterations are done. We also picked out his shoes and belt, tie, etc. All he needs is probably a shirt, because the one we bought a few months back is a little loose on him. I'm so excited to see him all dressed up on the big day. 

First dress fitting- done

I had my first dress fitting last month, and my amazing seamstress is stitching away to make my dress look dreamy on me. I'll be heading over next week for my second fitting! I'm so excited to see the dress when it actually fits on me. I'm kinda nervous, because what if it doesn't look as good as it did with the clips?! Wedding dress shopping is so stressful. Guys are lucky they only need a suit! 

Custom made veil- ordered!

I wanted my veil to have a little something extra, so I decided to make my own. However, that was going to take time I don't have so my lovely seamstress/designer is going to make one for me! I'm so excited to see how it turns out. It's got a little something special, and I'm so excited to wear it. 

Crafts Day- Done!

I gathered up my friends and family for a crafts day this past weekend. I had so many things on the to-do list and so little time. It was great to have an assembly line of people ready to help. I don't think I can emphasize enough how amazing and relaxing it was to have everyone there helping me. I finally felt like I could breathe for a minute! I highly recommend having people over to help. I have some tips here

Wedding Ceremony- Planned

Can you believe that we didn't have our ceremony planned, like at all?! We are having a friend do the ceremony and we finally sat down this past weekend to get the details laid out. She's going to draft something up for us within a few weeks and then we'll do a trial run! 

RSVP's- Returned

This month we sent out our wedding invitations and got back our RSVPs. Since our wedding is somewhat of a destination wedding, we had sent them earlier to make sure people were able to reserve their rooms, which were blocked off until 6 weeks before the wedding. Getting back RSVP's was one of the worst parts about planning so far. First off, I recommend adding an option for online RSVPs. It's not only cheaper (a special bonus) but it's easier. We sent out so many cards that weren't returned and got texts back instead. Postage wasted! 

Then, the actual responses. I already knew that people (mostly on my side) were a bit unhappy with the distance of our venue. The truth is that it's a little far (about 2 hours away for most people) but there were family members on John's side where they would have to travel about 2 hours just to get to our house, or other areas that were close to my family. Stuffy reception halls, the same ones everyone else had their weddings and parties over the years, was not where we wanted to have our wedding. It resulted in John getting about 6 no RSVPs and me getting a whopping 30+. This included friends and close family members. And I'd be lying if I said that each one didn't feel like a small stab in the gut. 

Seating Chart- Done

While the RSVP's made me want to crawl in a hole and cry, the seating chart kinda put things back into perspective for me. John and I used this method to do our seating chart, and it was actually extremely helpful. We picked different colors for each of us, for friends and for family, 4 colors in total. I realized that although John had nearly all his family coming, I still had a lot of friends (that I consider family) and some of my parents' close friends that I have known for YEARS coming. Seeing all my pink and purple seating tags made me see the people coming, instead of only focusing on those who can't. I'm still trying to get over the rejected feelings I have for those not coming, but I at least feel better for now. 


Emotions- All of 'Em.

Ugh, this month was a rollercoaster of emotions. I don't ever want to do that again haha. I had the highest of highs (OMG our wedding is only x days away!) and the lowest of the lows (Why doesn't anyone love me? Why did we bother to throw a wedding if no one would come?) I felt pretty shitty for a large portion of this month, as I anxiously waited for RSVP cards from guests who had only complained about distance, or otherwise made my wedding seem like an inconvenience to them. For a little while I thought I'd only have my closest friends and my parents there for me. I feel like I sound like a whining baby but seriously, you don't realize how upsetting it is until you see all those "no" boxes checked off. 


My Wedding Hashtag Got Stolen.

I almost forgot... someone took my wedding hashtag! I first searched the hashtag when I picked my venue and literally no one had ever used it. I tagged a pic of my venue with it. Within a year, 2 people had used it and one more is using it after my wedding! This was another irrational freak out I had (Bridezilla coming out) but I decided to just ignore it. In the end, I know I used it first, plus I own the URL. As a friend said... "hashtags are a trend. URLs are forever." So everyone's going to have to sift through some other brides to find my photos (hah!) but I'll keep posting my stuff on there too. That's what happens when you go from a practically non-existant last name (Sarlis) to a popular one (Cardona). 

Also a note- your wedding hashtag is supposed to be UNIQUE. So, don't use one that someone else already did. (Update: It’s so funny what seems like a huge deal when you’re wedding planning. In the end, barely anyone even used the hashtag! So, I freaked out over absolutely nothing.)

I feel like this post was heavy, so I'm going to try to wrap this up with some advice, and maybe a positive note? Ummm... uh.... don't focus on the people that didn't come. Focus on the ones who did. Any time someone says something negative, remember that they aren't criticizing you, but they're just upset about how if affects them. Then, re-read a text from someone that was excited or call a family member that you know is excited. Tell them something fun and positive you did (We just ordered the favors!) and see how they get all excited. For every Negative Nancy, there's 5 others that are Happy Harriet's. (that's a scientific fact, but don't look it up :p). Also you get what you put in- so if you call a family member to complain and be negative, you'll probably breed more negativity and it'll be harder to shake. So try to focus on the good. Easier said than done, but that's my advice :p 

Need to do:

Bachelorette party- later this month I have my bachelorette! We are going to Philly, and I'm really excited. I've never been to Philly before, but my sis went and it seemed colorful and fun. She was telling her coworker about her upcoming trips and her coworker was like, wow you guys like Pennsylvania, huh? I guess we do! We're going 3 times this summer, between the trial, bachelorette, and wedding haha.

Final fitting and jewelry- I need to get my dress all perfectly fitted, and I need to get some jewelry to go with it. I also need to decide what I want. Dangly earrings, or studs? Necklace or no necklace?! I have no idea, but I need to decide soon!!

Finalize the little loose ends- I created a Trello board a few months back and added in all the tasks, and it's actually been really really useful! I think I'm going to do a blog post about it, because it's really helped me to stay organized and get everything done. I'm down to the last few tasks, and yet somehow my board looks just as full as a month ago! It's amazing how many little things there are to do for a wedding!

Looking for some party planning tips?

If you want to learn more about planning a Pinterest worthy party, be sure to sign up to get your FREE Anatomy of a Pinterest Worthy Party guide! It's full of helpful hints on how to pick a theme, the little details that will make your event unique, and tips to take great photos of your event. And, there's even a checklist so you don't forget anything! So what are you waiting for? Get yours now!

 Phew! I'm tired. This was a rough month of planning, but it's over now, and the wedding is so close I can practically see it. If I have time, maybe I'll do a post 2 weeks before with some last minute wrap ups and details. Otherwise, your next post will be from Mrs. Cardona herself!!

So... any last minute advice? Did you get really bummed over your RSVP's? Think I'm simply crazy? Let me know in the comments below!

Unique Wedding Invitations from Basic Invite

When it comes to wedding planning, a lot of thought goes into the overall look, feel and theme of the wedding. Couples spend a ton of time picking their wedding colors and making sure everything matches up perfectly so that when guests arrive, they are immediately wowed by the aesthetic. However, the wedding isn't the first time your guests should see what you've got planned. Your wedding invitation is the very first thing that people will see regarding your wedding, so it should paint the perfect picture for your guests about what to expect on the big day. You not only want it to be gorgeous and theme appropriate but, most definitely, match the overall color scheme. Many websites offer a few generic colors that will be sorta close to what you're doing, but not exactly right. You're forced to settle on an invitation that's close to what you need, but not exactly what you wanted. 

What if there was a website where you could have the exact colors you wanted, the wedding sets you needed, and the ability to see it all BEFORE you purchased it? Does such a dreamy unicorn company exist?! 

Enter: Basic Invite. I was so excited when I was approached by Basic Invite to write a sponsored post and spread the word about ther AMAZING services! They have hundreds of unique wedding invitations, custom sample kits, and everything you'll need for the big day. Oh, and bonus? There's 15% off with the code 15FF51! Here are some of my favorite things about Basic Invite (along with some gorgeous imagery!).

When it comes to wedding planning, a lot of thought goes into the overall look, feel and theme of the wedding. Your wedding invitation is the very first thing that people will see, so it should paint the perfect picture for your guests about what to…

Almost Unlimited Colors - Basic Invite is one of the few websites that has almost unlimited color options (with instant previews online too). Once you select a design, you can change the color of each element on the card to over 180 different color options. So, you can make sure the card is exactly how you want it - down to the littlest detail. This is what sets them apart from almost any other online stationery company.

When it comes to wedding planning, a lot of thought goes into the overall look, feel and theme of the wedding. Your wedding invitation is the very first thing that people will see, so it should paint the perfect picture for your guests about what to…

Custom Samples - Basic Invite is one of the few websites that allows customers the ability to order a printed sample of their actual invitation so they can see exactly how it will print as well as the paper quality before they ever have to place their final order. Most companies only offer generic samples, and if you choose to go with a custom color, you're outta luck. Why should you be left to imagine what your wedding invite will look like?! With Basic Invite, you'll know exactly what you're getting, reducing the worry over "Did I make the right decision?" We have enough of that already in wedding planning ;)

When it comes to wedding planning, a lot of thought goes into the overall look, feel and theme of the wedding. Your wedding invitation is the very first thing that people will see, so it should paint the perfect picture for your guests about what to…

Over 40 Different Colors of Envelopes - Basic Invite is just as colorful with their envelopes as they are with their invitations. You can choose from over 40 different colors when it comes to their envelopes so that you can make your invitation stand out even before it is opened. All of their envelopes are peel and seal, so the envelopes can be quickly and securely closed. This is amazing when you need to seal 80+ envelopes and don't want to use a messy adhesive sealer or worse, your tongue! These colorful envelopes will allow you to pick your dreamiest color options, instead of whatever the card vendor decides to have available for your invitation choice.

When it comes to wedding planning, a lot of thought goes into the overall look, feel and theme of the wedding. Your wedding invitation is the very first thing that people will see, so it should paint the perfect picture for your guests about what to…

Over 200 Wedding Invitation Sets - Each of their wedding invitations is part of a set. You can find everything from classic save the dates to wedding invitations and enclosure cards, wedding menus, wedding programs and even matching thank you cards! No more hacking together slightly-matching pieces or being forced to pick your second choice invitation because it's the only one that comes with a matching wedding program. With Basic Invite, you'll get exactly what you want and need, every time. Plus, they've even got matching place cards!

When it comes to wedding planning, a lot of thought goes into the overall look, feel and theme of the wedding. Your wedding invitation is the very first thing that people will see, so it should paint the perfect picture for your guests about what to…

Free Address Collection Service - Use their free address collection service to request your addresses with just three simple steps. Share a link, collect addresses, and get free envelope printing. It literally couldn't be easier! No more texting people for their addresses, copying it to an excel sheet and uploading it to a website. You won't be hoping you didn't make any typos or misformatted the sheet and jumbled up the names and addresses. Plus, some websites won't print addresses on your custom envelope choices. What's the point of that?! Basic Invite's address collection service makes everything seamless and gorgeous, every bride's 2 favorite words (Besides "I do").

If you're dying to see more (or if you're not in the market for invites right now, but want to stay in the loop) be sure to follow along on Basic Invite's Instagram and Pinterest pages so you never miss a post. It's seriously dreamy!

I was so bummed that I didn't find Basic Invite in time for my wedding invites, but I wanted to spread the news here so that you guys don't miss out like I did! Can I go back in time, please?! Luckily, Basic Invite also has tons of options for your other major milestones, like birthdays, graduations and baby announcements, so I'll get another chance in the future ;)

So, head on over to Basic Invite to create your dream wedding invitation set today! And, don't forget to use the code 15FF51 for 15% off!

Note: although I was approached by Basic Invite to write this post, all opinions are my own. I am dedicated to only talking about and using products that I love and will be useful to my readers. You can read more about my policies here.

Wedding Planning Update- Just 2 More Months!

Wow guys… I am now at 59 days until my wedding!! I am so so soooo excited about everything and I’m so ready to marry my fiancé. As my wedding day approaches, I can see it more and more vividly as all the moving pieces come together. Here’s a little bit more about what happened recently.

Just 2 more months until the wedding! This month we're talking Bridal Showers, Dress Fittings, and crazy emotions. Click for the full post!

Hair and Makeup Trial- Scheduled! 

In about 2 weeks I’m heading over to my venue, which is about 3 hours away, for my hair and makeup trial. I’m bringing my girls with me and we are spending the weekend there. I’m excited for them to see the venue for the first time! I already have an idea of how I want my hair to look, but I don’t usually wear makeup so I’m a little nervous I’ll look kinda… clowny. I trust the makeup artists, but I know my fiancé likes my au naturale look, so I hope he likes my made up look too. 

Bridal Shower- Amazing! 

I had my surprise bridal shower a few weeks ago, and it was amazing!!! My mom and sister threw it for me, with help from my sister in law and my friends. They did SUCH an amazing job! I need to get some photos back from the ladies so I can do a blog post, but all we have is cell pics. Ha! I wish wish wiiiiish I had brought my camera with me that day. The shower was held at a local sweet shop, which has a really cute backyard garden. The party theme was a Disney Garden Tea Party. I loved the vintage accents my sister in law found at thrift stores, along with the teapot vases she painted. My mom made me a really cute lace umbrella, and I heard she was searching everywhere for the perfect one, which was really really cute. My sister made such cute invitations and signs, and they strung up pictures of me and John everywhere that made me cry! My dad even joined in and made a funny face-hole frame for us to take pics with. My friends got some really cute teacup tea light favors which were just perfect. The party flew by, and I was pouting at the end because I didn’t want it to be over! I can’t image how fast my wedding is going to go, but at least the quick bridal shower taught me to savor every moment.

Dress- Arrived!!!!

I was so excited to find out that my dress arrived about a month early! I went to pick it up and I made an appointment with a seamstress to have it altered. I’m really nervous about getting the alterations done, since it needs quite a few. I’m excited to see it on me nice and fitted, since the ones at the stores were all several sizes too big and had to be clipped like crazy. I’m going to attempt making my own veil, and may even do a blog post about it! And if it doesn’t work out…. then I gotta order one fast!

Suits- Purchased

Since our wedding venue isn’t too fancy, we decided a suit would probably fit the occasion better than a tuxedo. My fiance and his brother purchased their suits from Men’s Warehouse, where they were having a buy one- get one sale. Thank goodness for that, because the suits weren’t cheap!  We also picked up a belt & shoes for my fiancé, as well as a tie. I’m not sure I like the tie, but he does so I’m trying to be open minded. How much does a tie really need to match the theme? We shall see…

Car- Rented 

Since we have a whooooole lotta stuff to carry to our venue, and our car is on its last legs, we decided to rent a larger vehicle for the weekend. We have to take at least 2 people with us too, so we need to have room for them, all our luggage, and my giant wedding dress bag. Even though we didn’t want to spend the extra money, it really seemed like a good investment so we would have the space and peace of mind. 

Just 2 more months until the wedding! This month we're talking Bridal Showers, Dress Fittings, and crazy emotions. Click for the full post!

Emotions- Running High

Um, yea things are just a liiiitle bit emotional lately! I find myself crying over things really easily (mostly happy tears, thank goodness!) and I’m getting a bit overwhelmed about getting everything done in time. Blogging & working & wedding planning all alone is pretty darn stressful. But, planning is something I enjoy so I’m going to get this done! I’m also trying to remember that although the wedding is the end goal, I need to enjoy the last few months of planning, since it’ll (probably) never happen again. At least until someone else gets married, or I decide I want a vow renewal ceremony :p


Need to do:

Follow up on RSVP's- There's only about 10 days left to RSVP and we got about 15 cards back haha! So, we need to follow up with everyone to get their RSVP, and to make sure that they booked their rooms at our special wedding rate. I don't think people realize that the rooms will cost twice as much if they don't book before the deadline, which is in just a couple of weeks! 

Finalize all purchases- We spent this past weekend ordering a whole bunch of things, so I want to go through the list and make sure we ordered everything else we need for the wedding. Amazon Prime has been by BFF through all this, but for anything that isn’t coming from there, we need to order it soon.

Crafting Party- I want to host a crafting party with my besties so we can get some projects done for the wedding. I did a blog post about it, so this time I want to do an actual one! It’ll be fun to get together and get stuff DONE.

Create Day-of Schedules- Since the day before and day of the wedding are going to be hectic, I wanted to create a schedule and a plan for everyone with where they need to be and when, and exactly what’s going on. I tend to get stressed and the thought of everyone texting me for locations or asking me what’s happening when is a bit terrifying. I really want to hand off my phone on the wedding day and know that everything will be taken care of.

Bachelorette Party- WOOHOO! My sister is finalizing the date and plans for my bridal shower, and I’m really excited to see what we do! I can’t believe everything is flying by so quickly and we are already at this point, but at the same time that means the wedding day is nearly here, and that’s the very best part. Y’know, besides the whole happily ever after thing!

If you want to learn more about planning a Pinterest worthy party, be sure to sign up to get your FREE Anatomy of a Pinterest Worthy Party guide! It's full of helpful hints on how to pick a theme, the little details that will make your event unique, and tips to take great photos of your event. And, there's even a checklist so you don't forget anything! So what are you waiting for? Get yours now!

Overall, I think things are moving at a steady pace and going well. But, that could all change very quickly! Do you guys have any tips for making sure nothing falls through the cracks? How did you wrap everything up at the last minute? Anything to add that I might forget until the last minute? Let me know in the comments below!

Bridesmaid Brunch Craft Party Ideas

Let's get real here: wedding planning isn't exactly as glamorous as you imaged it to be. There are a lot of moving parts, tons of decisions to be made, and a whole lot of DIYs you want to try. Planning a wedding kind of becomes a part time job, except you're spending money instead of making it. So, rather than spending your weeknights filled with tears crafting 100+ favors, why not invite your friends or bridesmaids over for a fun crafternoon?! You can pop a bottle of rose, have some finger foods, and take bets on who's going to cry during the ceremony (like your Aunt Bertha, who cries over everything). 

Wedding planning got you down? Take a (short) break and invite your friends over for a crafting brunch party! It's super affordable with Oriental Trading. Click the photo to learn more!

Since you're already spending a ton on wedding related things, I know what you're thinking. You don’t need one extra thing to spend a ton of cash on. Well, fear not my friends! Oriental Trading is your party headquarters, and everything is SO affordable! With their new Marry Me section, you'll find all their wedding-worthy supplies in one place, for a great low price. They've got everything you need for the bridal shower, the ceremony, reception, and more! The options are seriously limitless, and there are tons of ideas under many of their products, showing you how to use them.

*Note: This post is a collaboration with Oriental Trading, but all opinions are my own. My love affair with them started way back when I first got their catalogs as a kid!

Wedding planning got you down? Take a (short) break and invite your friends over for a crafting brunch party! It's super affordable with Oriental Trading. Click the photo to learn more!

Think about how much time you’ll save by having your friends join you in crafting, and how much fun it’ll be! During a time of intense stress and worry, you need a break to hang with your girls and laugh. Plus, it'll be a nice way to say "thank you" if you've been a little bit of a grumpy bridezilla lately. 

Table Setup

Wedding planning got you down? Take a (short) break and invite your friends over for a crafting brunch party! It's super affordable with Oriental Trading. Click the photo to learn more!

To set up the table, I stuck with a simple white (disposable) tablecloth. Since crafting can get messy, I added a table runner using easel paper to catch any spills. I gave each person a place setting for snacking, which was cute and colorful! I started with a square gold dot plastic dessert plate as sort of a charger, topped with a hot pink plate for a pop of color. Each person gets a set of gorgeous gold utensils and a hot pink napkin to keep things tidy, as well as a paint palette for their watercolors.

Wedding planning got you down? Take a (short) break and invite your friends over for a crafting brunch party! It's super affordable with Oriental Trading. Click the photo to learn more!

Everything is more fun with a glass of wine, so each gal gets a really cute purple wine glass for her rose with a gold striped strawClear cupcake stands put the jordan almonds on a pedestal, making it easier for everyone to reach them. 

Wedding planning got you down? Take a (short) break and invite your friends over for a crafting brunch party! It's super affordable with Oriental Trading. Click the photo to learn more!

I kept the rest of the decorations simple by propping up my Pop Fizz Clink sign from my Disney-Themed Backyard Engagement Party. Finger foods and small desserts finish up the fun. P.S.- the white easel paper would be the perfect backdrop for using colorful sharpies to label what's what!

Wedding planning got you down? Take a (short) break and invite your friends over for a crafting brunch party! It's super affordable with Oriental Trading. Click the photo to learn more!

 The Crafts

A few weeks ago, I showed you 3 fun projects you can make using Oriental Trading products to add a pop of color to your wedding. These projects are perfect to make with your besties or bridesmaids!

Jordan Almonds

Place all your almonds in decorative bowls with a spoon for easy scooping. Keep your tulle, ribbon, and charms nearby so that it's easy for everyone to assemble. I also recommend pre-cutting the ribbon to ensure that it's all uniform and to prevent waste. The full DIY is here.

Wedding planning got you down? Take a (short) break and invite your friends over for a crafting brunch party! It's super affordable with Oriental Trading. Click the photo to learn more!


Table Numbers

Have your friends help out by painting the table numbers. I did about 3 coats on each one, so it's definitely time consuming! I recommend enlisting an especially crafty friend for the glitter and/or gold foil. It can get complicated and messy, so you definitely want someone precise to handle it! The full DIY is here.

Wedding planning got you down? Take a (short) break and invite your friends over for a crafting brunch party! It's super affordable with Oriental Trading. Click the photo to learn more!


Watercolor Escort Cards

When you get all your friends together, you've got to do this super fun project! It's seriously easy and best of all, really fun!

Looking for an easy and affordable way to guide people to their seats?! The full how-to is on the blog, along with ideas on how to get your bridesmaids to help! Click the photo to learn more.

You will need:

Watercolor Paints (here)
Paintbrushes (similar here)
Paint Palette (here)
White Place Cards (here)
Gold Sharpie (here)

Looking for an easy and affordable way to guide people to their seats?! The full how-to is on the blog, along with ideas on how to get your bridesmaids to help! Click the photo to learn more.

Each gal will get a set of watercolor paintbrushes, as well as a paint palette. Grab your watercolor paints and your white place cards and give each card a unique look. I added layers of complimentary colors for variation, but it still looks cohesive.

Looking for an easy and affordable way to guide people to their seats?! The full how-to is on the blog, along with ideas on how to get your bridesmaids to help! Click the photo to learn more.

Once they're all dry, use a gold sharpie to add a name and a table number to guide people to their seats in style. Write the names in script, or make it fancy with some faux calligraphy!

Looking for an easy and affordable way to guide people to their seats?! The full how-to is on the blog, along with ideas on how to get your bridesmaids to help! Click the photo to learn more.

I did the script freehand, but I think if you either got someone to do calligraphy, picked a friend with fancy handwriting, or printed the names on the cards, it would look even better! Be sure to make some extras, as you're bound to mess up a few of them while writing.

Looking for an easy and affordable way to guide people to their seats?! The full how-to is on the blog, along with ideas on how to get your bridesmaids to help! Click the photo to learn more.

Woo! I'm not sure about you guys, but a bridesmaid crafternoon brunch party seems like exactly what I need to get over these pre-wedding blues! A few laughs does everyone a world of good. Be sure to check out Oriental Trading's new Marry Me section for everything you'll need for this party, the bridal shower, the wedding, and beyond! 

What's been the hardest part of wedding planning for you? For me, it's been the fact that my mom, sister, and friends live kinda far away, so I've been doing it (cue Eric Carmen) all by myyyseeelllfff. I wish I had them to help/laugh/decide on things. How about you? Let me know in the comments below!

Adding a Pop of Color to Your Wedding

When you think of weddings, you think of white. While some may see that as very limiting, I see it as a blank canvas to incorporate any color you wish. Often, people add "wedding colors" and it's usually one shade of a color, like a deep purple or emerald green or blush pink. What if, instead of focusing on one color, you added shades of many colors? I think it would be a lot more fun (and a lot less stressful) to fill your wedding with complimentary hues. 

When it comes to adding some color (and fun!) to your wedding, look no further than Oriental Trading. They've got everything you need for weddings, whether you want to do a few crafts projects, get something that's personalized, or something that's ready to go out of the box. Plus, with their new Marry Me page of their website, all the wedding items are in one easy to find place. I call that a win-win.

*Note: This post is a collaboration with Oriental Trading, but all opinions are my own. My love affair with them started way back when I first got their catalogs as a kid!

Let those table numbers stand out! Click to see how I added a modern twist to this traditional wedding element, along with 2 other ideas to add a pop of color to your wedding!

Oriental Trading has everything you need to craft any project for a wedding or a party. Today, I've got 3 fun and easy projects you can make using Oriental Trading products and craft supplies. I've linked all the products I've used, so you've got everything you need in one easy-to-find place! Ok, enough with my blabbing... Let's get crafting!

Jordan Almonds 

Jordan Almonds don’t have to be boring! Click to see how I added a modern twist to this traditional wedding element, along with 2 other ideas to add a pop of color to your wedding!

You will need:

Jordan Almonds in your wedding colors (I used coral, light blue, and pink)
White Tulle (here)
Contrasting Ribbon (here)
Thank You Charms (here)
Spoon (here)

Jordan Almonds don’t have to be boring! Click to see how I added a modern twist to this traditional wedding element, along with 2 other ideas to add a pop of color to your wedding!

In many cultures, it's traditional to give out Jordan Almonds at a wedding. I'm Greek, and I can tell you for a fact that you can't attend a Greek wedding without receiving one of these bombonieres! For more info on Jordan Almonds, check this out.

How To:


1. Pick Jordan almonds in colors that match your theme.

2. Place 5 almonds in the tulle. I started by mixing my colors, but I realized I preferred all one color with a contrasting ribbon.

Jordan Almonds don’t have to be boring! Click to see how I added a modern twist to this traditional wedding element, along with 2 other ideas to add a pop of color to your wedding!

3. If you want the bow in the back, loop your tag onto the ribbon. If you want your tag in the front, add it as you're making the loop of the bow. Oriental Trading also offers personalized ribbon, which would be even better to add! 

4. Once you've decided how you want your bow, slide your almonds into the middle of your tulle, grab the sides, and tie your ribbon around it in a bow.

Jordan Almonds don’t have to be boring! Click to see how I added a modern twist to this traditional wedding element, along with 2 other ideas to add a pop of color to your wedding!
Jordan Almonds don’t have to be boring! Click to see how I added a modern twist to this traditional wedding element, along with 2 other ideas to add a pop of color to your wedding!

Table Numbers

Let those table numbers stand out! Click to see how I added a modern twist to this traditional wedding element, along with 2 other ideas to add a pop of color to your wedding!

You will need:

White Table Numbers (here)
Paint or Spray Paint (here)
Paint Brushes and Palette (similar here and here)
Gold Foil (here)
Gold Foil Adhesive (I used this one)
Gold Glitter (here)
Mod Podge (here)

Let those table numbers stand out! Click to see how I added a modern twist to this traditional wedding element, along with 2 other ideas to add a pop of color to your wedding!

People need to know where they're sitting, right? Why not lead them there in the brightest, glitziest way possible?!

How To:

1. Paint or spray paint your table numbers, but leave the edges blank. Do 2 coats, or as many as it takes to get smooth coverage, and let dry. (FYI- I used paint).

2. Paint the white edges of your numbers with foil adhesive. Work carefully so that you don't get it off the white edge. It sticks to anything with adhesive, so heed my warning and be careful!

3. Wait about 20 minutes for it to cure and be slightly tacky. Fun fact- this stuff dries sticky, so even if you wait a little too long, it'll still be sticky for the foil.

Let those table numbers stand out! Click to see how I added a modern twist to this traditional wedding element, along with 2 other ideas to add a pop of color to your wedding!

4. Take your foil and cut/rip to size, then attach it to the edges of the numbers. Take your stiff brush and brush off any extra foil. This stuff gets messy, so put a paper or a plate underneath so you don't make a huge mess :)

5. To do the glitter edge, mix gold glitter with mod podge. Using a paintbrush, paint the mixture onto the edges in small sections. Before the mixture dries, sprinkle some glitter onto the wet glue to cover any bald spots. Continue until you've done the whole perimeter, then go back and fill in any bare spots.

6. To travel to the venue, wrap each with white tissue paper to prevent scratches. Do not assemble them until you arrive, as they are fragile and may snap in transit. 

Let those table numbers stand out! Click to see how I added a modern twist to this traditional wedding element, along with 2 other ideas to add a pop of color to your wedding!


Welcome Basket

Your welcome basket doesn’t have to be formal! Click to see how I added a modern twist to this traditional wedding element, along with 2 other ideas to add a pop of color to your wedding!

You will need:

Wooden box (I used this one, but this one is better!)
Acrylic Paints (here)
Paint Brushes and Palette (similar here and here)
Self Adhesive Letters (here)

Your welcome basket doesn’t have to be formal! Click to see how I added a modern twist to this traditional wedding element, along with 2 other ideas to add a pop of color to your wedding!

Show your friends and family that this is bright occasion from the start with this fun welcome basket! You can also re-use it after the wedding to hold mail or greet guests in your entryway!

How To:

1. Take your letters and put your message on the box. I chose to keep it simple and write "Hi!" You can also do the couple's initials or a monogram.

2. Mix up your paints until they are the right color. Use a toothpick or a thin paintbrush to stir. If the paint is too light, it'll make it hard to read the Hi, so be aware of that when painting your box.

Your welcome basket doesn’t have to be formal! Click to see how I added a modern twist to this traditional wedding element, along with 2 other ideas to add a pop of color to your wedding!

3. Carefully paint your basket. I did a different color for each bar to keep it interesting.

4. While your paint is still wet, carefully peel off your stickers using tweezers. If your box is like mine, I recommend you actually don't paint the inside of the box. It got really tricky with all the little rungs. Especially since I made my own colors, because I found that I would run really low and have to try really hard not to run out before I finished. 

5. Place your box on your welcome table and fill it with pashminas, ceremony programs, or bubbles!

Your welcome basket doesn’t have to be formal! Click to see how I added a modern twist to this traditional wedding element, along with 2 other ideas to add a pop of color to your wedding!
Your welcome basket doesn’t have to be formal! Click to see how I added a modern twist to this traditional wedding element, along with 2 other ideas to add a pop of color to your wedding!

With a little bit of crafting, and a whole lot of imagination, you too can make your wedding unique with a fun pop of color. I've got a follow-up post coming with ideas for getting your gals together for a fun crafternoon, so stay tuned!

Be sure to visit Oriental Trading and their Marry Me page to start customizing your own wedding!

So what do you think? Will you be adding a pop of color to your wedding? How do you plan to do it? Let me know in the comments below!